Thursday, 4 June 2015

The final stretch - see you in Amsterdam!

It is with great anticipation that I write this latest blog update, as I am almost there, in Amsterdam.

Wow, I am amazed that I have almost completed my journey. When I started out almost 10 months ago, I often found myself wondering if I could actually do it, and I have exceeded all my expectations and am now already cycling the final stretch.

The last leg of this journey has been from Rome, Italy through Basel, Switzerland and on to The Netherlands. I have just arrived in Kerkrade and the plan is to arrive on the afternoon of Saturday 6th June, between 2pm and 4pm at 33 Dieren Riem, Amsterdam - it will be amazing to see you all there!

Once again, thank you all so much for your support and kind words along the way!
Ik hoop dat ik jullie allemaal zie in Amsterdam :)